BigDecimal is a standard class, with no special support in the compiler, to represent arbitrary-precision decimal numbers and perform arithmetic on them. BigDecimal是标准的类,在编译器中不需要特殊支持,它可以表示任意精度的小数,并对它们进行计算。
It varies from decimal in that precision decimal numbers carry not only a numeric value but also an arithmetic precision that is retained. 它与decimal不同,因为精度十进制数不仅包含一个数字值,而且保留了一个算法精度。
SQL-92 includes a DECIMAL data type, which is an exact numeric type for representing fixed point decimal numbers and performs basic arithmetic operation on decimal numbers. SQL-92包括DECIMAL数据类型,它是用于表示定点小数的精确数字类型,它可以对小数进行基本的算术运算。
There are some cases where arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic is still not sufficient to maintain exact results. 另外还有一些情形,任意精度的小数运算仍不能表示精确结果。
Arithmetic used in a computer where the computer keeps tracks of the decimal point ( contrasted with fixed-point arithmetic). 计算机中使用的一种运算方法,使用这种运算时,计算机跟踪十进制小数点的位置。
That's more than adequate for most tasks, but you do need to keep in mind that it's not decimal arithmetic, and that every float operation can suffer a new rounding error. 但是,我们还是要牢记我们做的并不是十进制运算,任何一个浮点预算都有可能产生一个新的错误。
Decimal arithmetic trap mask 十进制运算自陷屏蔽
Decimal is one of the important parts of arithmetic. 小数是算数的重要组成部分之一。